Monday, May 18, 2015

The Future is NOW

A recent article in FA (Financial Advisor) by Ric Edelman focused on the future caught my interest. One of the points made in the article is: “It is unlikely that children under the age of 5 will ever drive a car.” When I consider the fact that the first self-driving car is currently trekking across the US continent this seems more realistic.

The article goes on: “Google’s test vehicles have cumulatively driven nearly 1 million miles with no accidents, and they are legal for street use in five states. They’re already permitted on every major highway in the United Kingdom.”

This could mean: “…you’ll never park a car again, run errands, fuel up or shuttle kids to soccer practice.” “Forget Uber. . self-driving cars will cause Uber—currently accused of threatening the livelihoods of cabbies—to itself become extinct.”

“… taxi drivers (will) be gone, so too will truck drivers… With no human drivers making long-haul trips, no greasy-spoon joints will be needed. … chiropractors; no more auto accidents means far fewer back injuries”

“Hospital emergency rooms will have far fewer patients …the entire automobile insurance industry might disappear; and… police officers can’t issue citations for traffic violations anymore (speeding tickets alone generate $6.2 billion in annual revenue for local governments, according to the National Highway Safety Administration).”

And more….will change.

How about your business? Are you planning ahead?

Steve Koenig, SCORE Counselor




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