Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Special Mentor of the Month

Special Mentor of the Month


We are delighted to shine the spotlight on a distinguished member of our staff who by his or her efforts brings great credit to our organization. This month we are honored to salute:



When  it comes to recognizing outstanding members of our Chapter, there’s no need to go past the very first name on our Chapter Roster. That is where you will find the name John Ahearn, and we are delighted to announce that John has been elected to Special Mentor of the Quarter, for April, May, and June. It’s not hard to see why:
John has distinguished himself throughout his membership by stepping up to major responsibilities on a regular basis. His activities include his distinguished service on the Executive Committee, his role in mentoring to the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA), his service as Chairman of the Sponsorship Committee, diligently seeking vital financial support for our endeavors, his liaison role to the Office Depot Foundation where he has built strong ties, including persuading  Mary Wong, a nationally recognized leader, to be one of the Keynote Speakers at our May 6th Conference, his tireless efforts at FAU, both as a volunteer Mentor at their Tech Runway, to building bridges with their Veterans organizations, his service on various Ad Hoc committees, his work in reorganizing the South Palm Beach Parkinson Foundation chapter, where he was elected to the Board, and, finally, his creating and delivering outstanding Seminars designed to assist our clients with their Business Plans.
So you see it’s virtually a no-brainer to honor this very special member of our TEAM. In honoring John we honor the best in all our members: commitment, dedication, service.
Take a bow, dear friend and colleague, you are our very special Mentor of the Quarter for April, May, and June.


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